
Tuesday, September 15, 2009


United  States of America.  Or just North America?  How much of history really is the truth?  I believe it just just a part of his story that someone put in writing and passed down in textbooks.  No one really knows whats going on, we just do what were told.  Sure we have our own minds and believe certain parts are a little different then what were told, but why is the truth never out there.  I understand security reasons, such as not advertising when or where we are going to strike next.  But what about Katrina?  There were dead people on the side of the road...for weeks.  Families were forcefully seperated.  We spent how much money on this 'war' and how much on rescuing humans in the states?  Its extremely sad that many Americans have simply given up on politics because of the corruption.  We don't even have the decent courtesy and respect for the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! What member of a high counsel would go to another country and insult their leader? No one!  We are so afraid we will be sued for offending someone that we can't even express our opinion.  I would love to keep all of our advances as a people but go back to the days when children didn't curse, metal detecters were only in airports and people had respect for their elders.  All the hidden money and lies that are behind so much of our daily life honestly makes me sick to my stomach.


  1. Whew! What a breath of fresh air.

    I saw your comment in "Too many good bloggers are giving up," and decided to check out your blog.

    Great blog, keep blogging! :)

  2. Like the poster above, I also found your blog through the Too man bloggers are giving up topic.

    Thanks for sharing!
