
Friday, August 21, 2009

Dear God,

Work was boring, good thing I got to leave early. Wanna know the honest truth? Probably not so I think to not tell. . .but my social-on anti-depressent self can't hold it in. My first shirt (military term for Sgt who is the go between to my commander(whos the big whig)), let me down. He told me I would be out of the military on my way home by the end of the month. I doubley asked because once I give 30 days. ..well, thats pretty in stone. Turns out I have one week left and haven't heard any new news from him. I haven't received orders and paying another months rent is going to take away from paying my bills. Not to mention both my cars need some TLC. I should have known not to depend on him. By giving my 30 days I put ALOT of trust in his word. I feel stupid for trusting in a male, yet again. God's a male though, right? And maybe he's telling me that I should only trust in him. Okay, so umm, God-When should I give my 30 days? (and can the Lions please win a game this year?) I'm trying to be a strong a woman, but I really don't feel that I fit the bill. Lord, I pray for knowledge and a way to make money. Not that you will just give them to me, but that you can make me see where I have gone wrong and learn from it. That I can search the right networks and work towards the right job. PLEASE HELP ME LORD!