
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mommy Awards

If you are not a mom, you might as well skip this.  Those that have kids will either laugh or cry.  Why do we have to go through the terrible twos and the tantrums?! I swear laboring a human out of my personal hole would be enough!  My precious princess is at the stage where she cries even when she is playing.  She has half a room sectioned off with one of those gates that connect in a big circle.  The only problem is that she wants to be anywhere BUT inside those gates.  Even though all her toys are INSIDE the gate.  You wake up to some crying, make breakfast, only to clean it up.  Then she wants a book read and is tired for a short nap. . .maybe.  During her nap you need to clean up all her diapers and dishes and toys because when she wakes you will have no time for these things.  We do this day in and day out with no thank you, no money compensation and no awards. Yea yea her smile is worth it, but COME ON! I do less at my job and get paid!  I love this age, don't get me wrong--but shouldn't moms get a little something to keep us going.  Like it should be mandated that all nail salons give all moms a free pedicure once a year, or a free hair coloring.  How great would that be?  A chef or maid's service for a day, oh how pampering that would be!! Well I'm off to put my little one to sleep and maybe I can make dad do my chores for today ;)

1 comment:

  1. "If you are not a mom, you might as well skip this."

    I'm not a Mom, but I'm glad I read it anyway. Mom's need all the support they can get; so, keep up the good work, Mom! :)
